Curriculum Development of KBK - KTSP in Indonesia
Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) or the Curriculum 2004, is the curriculum in the education sector in Indonesia which was implemented since 2004, although already there are schools that started using this curriculum since before the implementation. Materially, this curriculum is actually no different from Curriculum 1994, the difference is only in the way students learn in class.
In the previous curriculum, students are conditioned by the system quarterly. While the new curriculum, students are conditioned in the semester system. In the past too, the students only learn the content of the subject matter alone, which received materials from the teacher alone. In the 2004 curriculum, students are required to actively develop the skills to apply science and technology without leaving the cooperation and solidarity, even among students actually compete with one another. So here, the teacher acting only as facilitators, but even so the existing education is education for all. In activities in the classroom, students are no longer objects, but the subject. And every student activity counts.
Since the academic year 2006/2007, imposed a new curriculum called Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), which is an improved curriculum 2004.
1. Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK)
Philosophy Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK)
The essence of the emergence of the KBK is in line with the meaning of the current reform of education and learning are always carried out from time to time and never stopped. Education and competency-based learning is an example of the changes meant for the purpose of improving quality of their education and learning.
Our future is marked and inundated by information technology and also changing very fast (massive). This is because the world community has been plagued by a revolution in science, technology and art, as well as the currents of globalization, so it demands the readiness of all parties to adapt to existing conditions. This means we must be able to face a very complex society and global.
In this context, reforms in education and learning is always carried out from time to time and never stop (never ending process). Education and competency-based learning is an example of the changes meant for the purpose of improving quality of their education and learning.
Basic Concepts of Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK)
Competency-based education emphasizes the ability to be possessed by graduates of an education. Competence is often called a standard of competence is the ability of graduates in general must be mastered. Competence according to Hall and Jones (1976: 29) is "a statement which describes the appearance of a certain ability unanimously that a blend of knowledge and skills that can be observed and measured". Competence (ability) is the main capital of graduates to compete on a global level, because competition is happening is the ability of human resources. Therefore. The application of competency-based education is expected to produce graduates who can compete at a global level. The implications of competency-based education is the development of the syllabus and competency-based assessment system.
Paradigm of competency-based education that includes curriculum, learning and assessment, emphasizing the achievement of learning outcomes in accordance with the standards of competence. The curriculum contains the teaching materials given to students / student through the learning process. The learning process is implemented using the principles of learning that includes development of material selection, strategy, media, assessment, and resource or learning materials. The success rate of learning achieved by students / students can be seen on the ability of the student / students in completing the tasks that must be controlled in accordance with certain procedures staniar.
Determination of Basic Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK)
Determination of Basic Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) Decree of the Minister of National Education set guidelines Vomor 232/U/2000 Mail Curriculum Development and Assessment of Learning Outcomes The student / students. In the decree proposed curriculum structure. based on learning objectives (1) Learning to know, (2) learning to do, (3) learning to live together, and (4) learning to be. Decree of the Minister of Education and 045/U/2002 number of educational units proposed Core Curriculum "Competence is a set of intelligent action, a person has full responsibility as a condition to be considered capable by the society in carrying out tasks in a particular field of work".
Characteristics of Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK)
This curriculum guide every line teaching and learning process elements wrapped with attitude (attitude / moral), skills (skills), knowledge (knowledge), experience (experience), responsibility (responsibility), and accountability (accountability). Learners are also required to perform self-learning (active learning). KBK also has met three elements PAKEM learning, namely cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills) and affective (moral).
Mendilmas Decree number 045 of 2002 reinforces the need for the KBK approach in curriculum development. Furthermore, the decision also sets the direction of the development program called the core curriculum and institutional curriculum. If interpreted by decision 045 then NorNor core curriculum consists of core competencies while the institutional curriculum contains supporting competency and other competencies.
Core curriculum which is penciri core competencies, are:
a. basis to achieve competency
b. minimum quality standard reference implementation of the course
c. applied. national and international
d. flexible and accommodating to change very quickly in the future, clan
e. mutual agreement between the university, professional society, and users graduates
While the institutional curriculum contains supporting competency and other competencies that are specific and supports core competencies.
Given the competence-based curriculum learning outcomes assessment system must be changed. The main characteristic of the change lies in the implementation of assessment is continuous and comprehensive assessment, which includes the following aspects:
a. Assessment of learning outcomes
b. Assessment of teaching and learning process
c. Assessment of faculty teaching competencies
d. Assessment of relevance of curriculum
e. Carrying capacity assessment tool. and facilities
f. Assessment program (accreditation)
ASPECTS OF DIFFERENT from the previous curriculum includes the teaching and learning activities, assessment, and management of school-based curriculum :
Teaching and Learning Activities
• Focuses on learners
• Develop creativity
• Creating a fun and challenging conditions
• Contextual
• Provide diverse learning experiences
• Learning through doing
Assessment Class
Performed by the Master to determine the level of mastery of specified competencies, is internal, part of learning, and as an ingredient for improving the quality of learning outcomes-oriented competence, refers to
benchmark, the thoroughness of learning, through various means, among other Portfolios (a collection of student work), Products (The work), Projects (Assignment), Performances (Performance), & Pen and Paper (written test).
Reason Development and Principles of Development of Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK).
The curriculum can be interpreted as: a document or written plan concerning education kuahtas to be possessed by the learner through the learning experience. This notion implies that the curriculum should be contained in one or multiple documents or written plans. The document or written plan that contains a statement of quality that must be possessed by a learner who follow the curriculum.
There are six dimensions of curriculum development is the basic idea for curriculum development, program development, course plans / units of learning, experiential learning, assessment and outcome. These six dimensions can be grouped into three categories: Curriculum Planning, Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum and Evaluation.
Curriculum Planning with respect to pengernbangan Basic Thoughts / Ideas authority determines the curriculum where there is the decision maker urtuk an educational institution. While the implementation of the curriculum with respect to the implementation of the curriculum in the field (educational institution / class) where the developer and the determinant adaIah lecturer / educational staff. Evaluation KurikuIum third category where the curriculum is assessed whether the curriculum provides results in accordance with what is already designed well or is there another problem with respect to one dimension or the whole. In this context, curriculum evaluation conducted by a team outside the curriculum development team and implemented after the curriculum is considered sufficient time to demonstrate the performance and achievements.
In the era of autonomy as now in force in the educational curriculum, national, not a "fixed price" that must be accepted and implemented as is, but can still be developed in accordance with the circumstances and field conditions, as long as not to deviate from the points that have been outlined by, nationwide. In this case the teacher / lecturer is a curriculum developer who is, in a decisive and strategic position. If the curriculum described as traffic signs, then the teacher is the walkers legs.
2004 curriculum development should be related to the demands of standards of competence, organizational learning experiences, and activities to develop and master the competencies effectively as possible. Competency-based curriculum development process also uses the assumption that students will learn to have a beginning knowledge and skills needed to master certain competencies. Therefore the development of Curriculum 2004 have to pay attention to the following principles:
1. Oriented on achieving results and impact (outcome oriented)
2. Based on Competency Standards and Basic Competence
3. Departing from the Competence Graduates / Graduates
4. Observing the principles of curriculum development that berdfferensiasi
5. Develop aspects of learning as a whole and comprehensive (holistic), and
6. Applying the principle of exhaustiveness learning (mastery learning). (Gja, Aal, Mb).
Competence Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK)
Competency-based curriculum is a curriculum design that was developed based on a set of specific competencies. Referring to the understanding, as well as the animal lays respond to the presence of PP No.25/2000, then one of the activities that need to be undertaken by the government, in this case the Ministry of Education is to develop national standards for all subjects, which includes the components: (1) competency standards, (2) basic competence, (3) subject matter, and (4) indicators of achievement. In accordance with these components the format of Curriculum 2004, which includes the national competency standards matapelajaran is as shown in
Competence standard is defined as the roundness of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and achieved the expected level of mastery in learning a matapelajaran. Coverage of competency standards content standards (content standards) and performance standards (performance standard). Descriptions of basic competence is a competence standard, is the knowledge, skills and attitudes minimum that must be mastered and can be modeled by students in each competency standard. Subject matter or instructional material, which is the subject of a study of materials which can be a field of teaching, content, process, keterampilam, and scientific context of a subject. While the indicators of achievement are the abilities meant that more specific that can be used as a measure to assess the completeness of learning.
Further development of the 2004 curriculum, which characterize the paradigm is a competency-based, will include the development of syllabus and assessment system. Syllabus is a reference to plan and implement learning programs, while the assessment system includes billing types, forms of instruments, and implementation. types of bills are various bills, such as repetition or tasks to be done by learners. The instrument forms associated with the answers that must be done by students, such as multiple choice or a matter of description.
Technically, the KBK developed Puskur (2001) grouped into three levels of competence, namely (1) competence of graduates (KT), namely the competencies that should be owned by students after they complete a certain level of education (SD / MI, SMP / MTs, SMU / MA), (2) general competencies (KU), namely the competencies that should be owned by students after they followed certain subjects at certain educational levels, and (3) basic competence (KD), which is essential competencies that should be owned students when they follow a particular subject at a particular time unit. In practice, the three levels of teacher competence has become the reference when carrying out instructional duties in schools.
Basic competencies that had been known in general are reading, writing, and arithmetic (calistung). To live in this global era, not only armed with calistung, but also required suffi ¬ tension or the ability of understanding (comprehension), communications (communication), and computation (computation). Competency-com ¬ basic competencies are still too common so it needs to be explained further in the form of a minimum basic competence is more loose in the curriculum. "Basic minimum competence" this is pursued to the maximum teacher through learning for their students. Therefore, each subject to determine SKBM (exhaustiveness Learning Minimal standards).
2. Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)
Philosophy Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)
The curriculum was developed to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve certain educational goals. Specific objectives include national education goals as well as suitability to the specific conditions and regional potential, education units and learners. Therefore, the curriculum prepared by the education unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potential that exists in the area.
Development Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) which refers to the various national education standards to ensure the achievement of national education goals. National educational standards consist of content standards, processes, competence of graduates, educational personnel, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing and educational assessment. Two of the eight national education standards, namely the Content Standards (SI) and the Competency Standards Graduates (SKL) is the main reference for the education unit in developing the curriculum.
The concept of Basic Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is the operational curriculum is developed and implemented by each educational unit. Preparation of KTSP conducted by educational units by taking into account and based on standards of competence and basic competencies been developed ¬ developed by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP).
KTSP conceived and developed as follows: (1) The development of curriculum refers to the National Education Standards to realize the purpose of education ¬ National Pen (2) the curriculum at all levels and types of education developed by the principle of diversification in accordance with the educational unit, the potential of the region, and the pe ¬ and learners.
Based on such understanding, the essential difference between the KBK and KTSP did not exist. Both had a set plan ¬ dikan Pendi oriented competencies and learning outcomes of students. The difference according to Masnur descry on the technical implementation. If the KBK prepared by the central government, in this case the Ministry of Education (Puskur cq), then the curriculum prepared by the educational level of each unit, in this case the school is concerned, though still referring to the national guidelines Guidelines for Developing curriculum prepared by the agency independent so-called National Bureau of Standards Pendi ¬ dikan (BSNP).
Some things need to be understood in relation to the level of the education curricula (KTSP) is as follows:
• KTSP unit developed in accordance with the conditions of education, potential and regional characteristics, socio-cultural as well as local communities and learners.
• Schools and school committees to develop curricular ¬ kulum level of the education and syllabus based on the basic framework of the curriculum and standards of competency, under the supervision of the pen ¬ education service district / city, and religion departments responsible for education.
• level of the education curriculum for each course in the college developed and established by each college with reference to the National Education Standards.
Determination of Basic Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)
In accordance with Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System stated that curriculum development is done by referring to the National Education Standards, and curricula at all levels and types of education developed by the principle of diversification in accordance with the educational unit, the potential of the area, and learners. Further, in Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, stated that the standards are directly related to the curriculum is the Content Standard Graduates and Competency Standards, and is set in the Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards (SI) and Ministerial Regulation Education No. 23 of 2006 on the Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) and the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKI, mentioned above. Based on the Content Standards (SI) and the Competency Standards Graduates (SKL) and guidelines prepared by BSNP, then the Unit of Primary and Secondary Education is expected to develop Kurikilum Education Unit Level (KTSP) in accordance with the educational unit, the potential of the area / regional characteristics, social and cultural local, and learners.
Given that the SI, SKL and KTSP must already be implemented by all units of primary and secondary education in academic year 2009/2010, the socialization and training SI, SKL and curriculum development for educators, educational staff and stakeholders (stakeholders) education others must be coordination and synergy with all parties concerned, and immediately implemented in a planned, integrated and sustainable. For that it is composed of socialization and training materials SI, SKL and curriculum development that has been synchronized with the Center for Curriculum Research and Development, Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education, Directorate General of Quality Teachers and Education Personnel, and the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, all the socialization and training SI, SKL and Development of the curriculum in order to use this material has been prepared, so as to facilitate in developing a curriculum in each unit with a good education.
• Law No.20 Year 2003 on National Education System
• PP. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards
• Permendiknas No. 22/2006 on the Content Standards
• Permendiknas No. 23/2006 on Competency Standards Graduates
• Permendiknas No. Permendiknas No. 24/2006 on the implementation. 22 and 23/2006
Characteristics Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)
KTSP developed based on some characteristics or key features. @ MA-TEC (2001) for example, focuses on three main features, namely (1) student-centered (focus on Learners), (2) gives ¬ subject and author pages that are relevant and contextual learning (Provide relevant subject matter and contextualzed ) and (3) develop a rich and strong mentally on the students (develop rich and robust mental models) (@ MATEC, 2001). Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is made among others in order to allow learners to:
1. learn to believe in and fear of God Almighty,
2. learn to understand and appreciate,
3. learn to be able to implement and act effectively,
4. learn to live together and be useful to others, and
5. learn to build and self-discovery through active learning, creative, effective and fun.
KTSP components consist of:
1. Purpose of Education School
2. Structure and Curriculum Content
3. Education Calendar
4. Syllabus
5. Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)
Reason Development and Principles of Development Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)
Almost the same as the KBK, KTSP-¬ developed based on the principle of the following principles:
1. centered on the potential, progress, needs, and self ¬ interests of learners and their environment;
2. diverse and integrated;
3. responsive to the development of science, technology and art;
4. relevant to the needs of life;
5. comprehensive and sustainable;
6. lifelong learning;
(A) balance between national interests and regional interests.
In addition, KTSP prepared having regard to operational reference as follows:
1. The increase of faith and piety and noble character
2. Increasing the potential, intelligence, and interest in accordance with the developmental level and abilities of learners
3. Diversity and regional characteristics and potential Ilngkungan
4. The demands of national and regional development
5. Demands the world of work
6. The development of science, technology, and art
7. Religion
8. The dynamics of global development
9. National unity and national values
10. the local social culture
11. Gender Equality
12. Characteristics of educational unit
Competence Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP)
Similarly, the "competency graduates" on the KBK standard termed "competency" in the KTSP, which legally is contained in the Minister of National Education No. 23 of 2006 on the Graduate Competency Standards for Primary and Secondary Education Unit. "General competence" on the KBK is termed "content standards" in the KTSP, which legally is contained in the Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards for Elementary and Secondary Education Unit. The types of competence, namely the standard of competence and basic competence, no distinction is made between the KBK and KTSP. Like the KBK, KTSP also refers to the minimum basic komptensi. Therefore, each subject in the curriculum also sets KKM (exhaustiveness Minimum Criteria).
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